Veyder-Malberg Gruner Veltliner 'Liebedich' Wachau 2020

The manual cultivation Wachau's ancient dry-stone terraces at Veyder-Malberg is not easy. Compared to a vineyard where a machine could work, this land requires five times the amount of effort. But Peter Veyder-Malberg takes on the task: "I have made it my goal to acquire exposed terraces with mainly old vines and to save them from being cleared," he says. "Although this can only be done by hand - without machines - I am convinced: the wine qualities are so unique, full of character and spectacular that it is worth the effort." We agree. 'Liebedich" is what Peter calls his classic, authentic "Wachauer", a mineral-driven, acid-rich, complex wine that shows of the vintage year after year. And he only produces 1000 cases, and so we're blessed to have a few to share with you.


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